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A note from the Infomate Group Founder


Joseph Sultana

Over my working life, I have come across a wide variety of talented and honest professionals who add value wherever they operate, and I have been blessed to form great relationships with them.
I have also come across various businesses that lack a particular skill set or that have outgrown their current skill set.

I see great benefits in combining these two aspects together and that’s where the Infomate Group comes in: It serves as the bridge, offering the varied talents of the professionals I have met on my journeys to the multitude of organisations who would benefit from their expertise and experience.

At Informate we strive to provide high-end services to companies in need, be they established organisations or founder-led scale-ups.

Whether you’re looking for a non-executive director to offer more than just a seat at your board or a fractional Head of Sales to come in and advise on how to best set up your sales function for international expansion, the Infomate Group is here to assist you.

If you’re a founder and are struggling to advance your business to the next level, this can be particularly appealing as you don’t know what you don’t know. Our focused founder program is built on years of similar experiences and delivers strategic and tactical advice on how to scale up your business and potentially prepare for an exit.

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